I am in an abusive relationship, but my husband is a citizen. What can I do?

casada con ciudadano maltratador

If you are married to a U.S citizen, but he is abusive to you, you need to know how you can protect yourself and the other members of your family.

At Quiroga Law Office, PLLC, we will tell you what you need to know.

1- Have evidence of the facts

If you have been a victim of domestic violence at the hands of your husband, the first thing you should do is gather evidence of the facts, which can support your argument before the authorities.

The complaint can be made both for cases of physical abuse as well as psychological and emotional abuse.

You can show that you are still living under the same roof as your spouse.

2- What documentation do you need?

To prove that the marriage is recognized by U.S law, you need to have your marriage certificate on hand.

And, if you have a family, it might also help you to show your children’s birth certificates, family photos, taxes you filed together, bank accounts, as well as house receipts.

3- Do not hesitate to file a complaint.

It is normal to be afraid of the idea of ​​reporting your partner but doing so is the best option for your well-being and that of the rest of your family.

We recommend contacting an immigration attorney to carry out the procedure.

If an emergency does arise, go to the nearest authorities and ask for help as soon as possible.

Also read: What crimes does VAWA support you against?

Remember that at Quiroga Law Office, PLLC, we are willing to help you. Contact us. Our team of lawyers will take care of your case and will be with you throughout the process.

Request a consultation or call us, (509) 498-3485.